Monday, May 24, 2010

Smoking Cigarettes-cool or not cool?

Smoking is a global problem. It is estimated that one in every three adults smoke and that more than 105 billion cigarettes are sold each week. That's ten million cigarettes per minute. During the 20th century, smoking killed about 100 million people worldwide. Smoking may look "cool", relieve stress, or maybe it just tastes good but is it worth your life?

Tobacco kills one person every ten seconds, and every 30 seconds someone somewhere dies of lung cancer, most likely caused by smoking. Insurance companies have estimated that smoking a single cigarette lowers one's life expactancy by 10.7 seconds. That means that by smoking a pack of 20 cigarettes, your life is shortened by more than 3 and 1/2 hours. Each year, more americans die from the effects of smoking than from aids, car accidents, drug abuse, or homicides combined.

You may wonder what's so bad about smoking and why ol' folks trip out about it. But the ingredients in cigarettes explain it all. When you hit a cigarette, you're inhaling --

  1. nicotine-a deadly poison

  2. arsenic-used in rat poison

  3. methane-a component in rocket feul

  4. ammonia-found in floor cleaner

  5. battery fluid

  6. carbon monoxide-a component in car exhaust

  7. a chemical used to preserve bodies

  8. lighter fluid

  9. the poison used in gas chambers

To me, none of that sounds the least bit satisfying. Just reading that would make me want to quit, no questions asked. Every hit of a cigarette brings bits and pieces of all of those chemicals into your lungs and into your blood stream.

Some people says it relieves stresss, and some teens think it looks "cool" to smoke. But rotten teeth, bad breath, and wrinkles at 30 look far from cool in my opinion. Smoking a cigarette may bring temporary satisfaction, but it's not worth all of the effects in the long run. So for future references, think before you light it up.