Thursday, March 4, 2010


The difference between duties and responsibilities is that a duty is something you have no choice, you have to do it. But, a responsibility is something you should do as a citizen, but don’t have to do. The reason I am in placement is because I didn’t fulfill one of my duties as an American citizen. I failed to go to school; therefore, I’m facing the consequences of my action. I do fulfill some responsibilities. I make donations to the less fortunate, and take part in fundraisers for some of the people in my community, like “A walk for life” and carnivals at Red Cross. Another responsibility as a citizen is to serve in the army. My brother is currently serving in Iraq right now. It was a big risk serving, but there are a lot of benefits of it, too. I believe as a citizen in this country you should accomplish all of your duties, and do your best to fulfill all responsibilities.